Senate Intel Leaders: Putin Tried To Help Trump Win 2016 Election

The Senate Intelligence Committee rebuked Devin Nunes' propaganda report from The House.

Here's more bad news for Donald Trump.

The two leaders of the Senate Intelligence Committee announced that Putin ordered Russia to interfere in the 2016 election to help Trump, breaking away from Rep. Devin Nunes' House Intel propaganda report completely.

Republican and Democratic leaders of the Senate Intelligence Committee on Wednesday endorsed the U.S. intelligence community's assessment that Russia intervened in the 2016 presidential election to help President Donald Trump and hurt Hillary Clinton.

Republican Trump surrogates have tried their damnedest by smearing the entire intelligence community to defend Trump at any cost.

CNN's Wolf Blitzer said, "The US Senate Intelligence Committee has just released its report on Russian interference in the 2016 Presidential elections here in the united states and the assessment from the US Intelligence community, Richard Burr says this, and remember, he's a Republican, and I'm quoting him now. 'There is no doubt Russia undertook an unprecedented effort to interfere with our 2016 elections.'"

He continued, "Senator Mark Warner, the vice chairman of the intelligence committee, said "The interference was directly ordered by President Putin in order to help Donald Trump. That's the conclusion of the Senate Intelligence Committee."

Rep. Meeks said, "I think that it was important that it be bipartisan, unlike what unfortunately seems to be taking place on the House side."

Blitzer replied, "I know the White House isn't going to be pleased with this conclusion from the Senate intelligence committee -- bipartisan agreement that Russia interfered in the US presidential election, bipartisan agreement that they interfered in order to help Donald Trump and to hurt Hillary Clinton."

"This was the conclusion of the US intelligence committee -- community I should say in January of last year, January of last year before the president was sworn into office on inauguration day, so they're not going to be very happy with this conclusion."

And hurt Clinton they did.

Many Republicans were fine saying that Russia did meddle in the election, but they refused to say that Putin wanted Trump to win.

But that's the only thing anyone but a Trump toadie can conclude.

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