Texas Lt. Gov Patrick Makes Fool Of Himself By Blaming Everything Except Guns For School Violence

Texas Lt. Gov Patrick turns in an NRA-approved performance on how to stop mass shootings in our schools.

Texas Lt. Gov Patrick gave an embarrassing performance on ABC's This Week when asked about his thoughts on how to stop gun violence in schools.

Patrick was a cross between Trump-loving evangelical pastor Robert Jeffress and an NRA pitchman and it was truly cringeworthy.

After host George Stephanopoulos posted a graphic that shows more school kids have been killed then military personnel this year, he launched into an anti-abortion, pro-life tirade that Wayne La Pierre might have scripted out for him.

Lt. Gov. Patrick, "George, should we be surprised in this nation? We have devalued life, whether it's through abortion, whether it's the breakup of families, through violent movies, and particularly violent video games which now outsell movies and music."

In other words - the godless liberals, Hollywood and dark people are to blame for all the mass murders in America.

And then he used one of the NRA's favorite excuses: the long tentacles of video games.

He continued, "Psychologists and psychiatrists will tell you that students are desensitized to violence, may have lost empathy for their victims by watching hours and hours of video violent games. 97 percent, George, of teenagers, according to psychiatrists and psychologists, watch video games, 85 percent of those are violent games."

See, guns and their bullets that rip apart our students are not the cause of death at all. Instead, we must go Fahrenheit 451 on all violent video games.

And then he lied like so many conservatives in office do these days.

"And then, of course, George we have our schools that a not hard targets. We have done a good job since 9/11 of protecting government buildings, and airports, and private buildings, but we have not done anything to harden the target at our schools."

As the Washington Post reports, Santa Fe HS was a hardened target already, "two armed police officers walked the halls of the high school" and still nine kids and one teacher were mowed down and killed.

Remember there are at least 98,817 public schools in America alone.

When told that kids in every other developed country play video games like ours do and there are almost no mass shootings, Patrick replied, "I can’t compare one country with another country because there are many variables in all these countries."

What variables is he talking about? Europe is much more secular than America.

I had to stop watching this moron because it was too early and my coffee hadn't kicked in yet to listen to his uneducated and purposefully ignorant excuses.

He even claimed that teachers are part of a militia. I kid you not.

"It is our second amendment, you know, it talks about a well-run militia, the second amendment. Our teachers are part of that well-run militia, by the way,' he said.

No, no, no. America had no military at all when the Second Amendment was created, jackass. Teachers are not automatically drafted into a well-regulated militia.

And when asked about guns themselves, Patrick said, "It’s not about the guns, it’s about us."

No, it's about a-holes like yourself who refuse to include any form of gun control in this debate because your NRA masters won't allow it.

"Gun control, I believe, starts at home. Every person who owns a gun must be accountable for the guns at home."

Duh! Of course, they should.

There is obviously more than one solution to the mass shooting epidemic, but smart gun control steps are required and men like Lt. Gov. Patrick are part of the problem, not the solution.

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