Watch Out, Baby Bears! Trump Wants You Dead

In another petty reversal of Obama-era policies, the Trump administration is looking to roll back a rule protecting hibernating bear cubs and wolf pups from being shot.

Donald Trump's primary goal is to roll back all progress and protections offered by Obama-era policies, and it's not just limited to human beings. Watch out, bear cubs, because it's open season if Trump gets his way.

Mother Jones reports that Trump is looking to reverse a 2015 rule protecting hibernating bear cubs and wolf cubs in their den.

The proposal, slated to be published Tuesday in the Federal Register, would amend the National Park Service’s current regulations to again allow for controversial sport hunting and trapping techniques on roughly 20 million acres of federal lands in Alaska. The park service, part of the Department of the Interior, said lifting the prohibitions would increase hunting opportunities on national preserve land, as Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke called for in a pair of secretarial orders last year.

And it's not just in those situations where the hunters happen upon a wolf pack or a bear's den. No, they're allowed to lure them out.

The proposed rule would allow hunters to lure brown and black bears with bait, hunt black bears and their cubs using artificial lights, shoot bear cubs and wolf and coyote pups in their dens, and use dogs to hunt black bears. It would also allow hunters to shoot swimming caribou from motorboats.

There is a 60-day comment period open. I suggest submitting yours in opposition to the wanton slaughter of bears, wolves, and other animals.

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