Bill Maher: The GOP Is The Alex Jones Party

Conspiracy theorists used to be called crazy, but now they are called Republican politicians.

On the New Rule segment from Last night's HBO's Real Time with Bill Maher, the comedy host correctly pointed a significant way the Republican party has disintegrated.

Maher said, "It used to be an unwritten rule for both parties that you can't make sh*t up. The old 'you are entitled to your own opinion but not your own facts' thing."

He continued, "That was before Republicans discovered yes, yes, you can just make sh*t up. You can have your own facts..."

He compared Rush Limbaugh from the 90s to a gateway drug that led to increased tolerance to the despicable and made listeners need something much stronger.

I believe Limbaugh is the "point of origin" for rightwing AM talk radio. Hate speech's purpose was to convince Americans to despise the left and the Democratic Party regardless of political positions.

The epitome of this was the huge evangelical support of Senate candidate Roy Moore, which stayed steadfast in their defense of his candidacy even after many women came forward and told the press that as a man over 30, he stalked and sexually abused underage girls.

Bill then drew a line to Glenn Beck, who blamed himself for his own sins that helped tear apart the country, then led directly to the insane ramblings and conspiracy theories of Alex Jones.

Maher continued, "And now, Republicans, you’re the Alex Jones party. There is literally nothing too stupid or too conspiratorial that you will not swallow. Hillary, running a child sex ring out of a pizza parlor. Sounds about right. Obama‘s birth certificate? Fake! Jade Helm? Absolutely.”

“The crazier it gets, the more they like it."

“That’s their jam! They believe anything. So we could stop sending reporters to diners now to figure them out. They’re not there for the breakfast, they literally think there are clouds in their coffee.”

Much blame should go to Trump's many enablers that appear on every media outlet to defend and apologize for divisive, racist and outlandish actions.

Maher highlighted the lunacy surrounding Trump's claims that millions of people voted illegally against him in the 2016 election and recounted the voter fraud commission that he impaneled that was fraudulent itself.

Maher, "Hey, remember that bullsh*t I made up? I want you to get to the bottom of it."

George Bush the first quit the NRA in 1995 when some gun nuts called the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms "jackbooted thugs.."

"When Alex Jones said children faked their own deaths at Sandy Hook, it doesn't deter Trump from telling him your reputation is amazing. I will not let you down. They're soulmates."

And soulmates they are.

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