Irony Dies As Fox's Flame-Throwing 'Judge' Jeanine Pirro Bemoans The 'Loss Of Civil Discourse'

Fox's "Judge" Jeanine Pirro served up a heaping helping of deflection, projection and outright lies about Trump's cruel immigration policies during her "opening statement" this Saturday.

Fox's "Judge" Jeanine Pirro served up a heaping helping of deflection, projection and outright lies about Trump's cruel immigration policies during her "opening statement" this Saturday.

Pirro did her best to once again discredit the Mueller investigation, while bemoaning the loss of "civil discourse" in the United States because, heaven forbid, people on the left were mean to poor Sarah Huckabee-Sanders, Kirstjen Nielsen and Stephen Miller.

Pirro blamed everyone and their grandmother other than Trump for the separation of these families on the border, ignoring the Trump administration's "zero tolerance" policy, while tossing more red meat to Trump's base, fearmongering that we're going to be "overrun by illegal immigrants."

PIRRO: It's come to this? No more civil discourse? What happening in this country today is beyond anything we have ever seen in American politics. Political debate at the very heart of the founding of this country has devolved into political harassment and outright political abuse.

Sarah Huckabee-Sanders, the White House press secretary, one of the most of prestigious jobs in Washington, D.C., out to dinner, places her order and is then told to leave by the owner because she works for the president of the United States. Sarah quietly leaves. The Department of Homeland Security secretary Kirstjen Nielsen this week was literally screamed and heckled out of a restaurant while eating her dinner.

Trump supporters are being harassed all across this country by a hysterical left unwilling to accept the decision and the will of the American people who put Donald Trump in office. These unhinged leftists are normalizing outrageous behavior which is only getting worse.

So why is this happening? Once the Democrats 24-7 Russia collusion nonsense fizzled, because there was no evidence of wrongdoing or collusion other than corruption on the part of those at the top level of the FBI and DOJ to frame Donald Trump, the left needed a new issue, a new deflection to some other made-up wrongdoing on the part of Donald Trump. What to accuse him of? What can we blame him for now? They then deflect to the inhumane separation of children from their families at the border.

Now, I want to be clear. I have spent my professional life fighting for children, children who have been victimized and injured and harmed. There is nothing more heartbreaking than children being separated from their parents. Every day family courts separates parents from their children. Every day criminal judges separate parents from their children and every day children are placed in foster care, away from their parents, and I haven't heard anyone on the left complain.

Now, for those of you who are so blinded by Trump hatred, there are laws in this country. A primer. When you cross the border into these United States illegally, expect to be arrested. You do not have the right to come here. We did not invite you here, and you cannot stay here.

But on your way out, you can thank Bill Clinton and his Flores settlement that requires children be taken away from their parents within 20 days of crossing the border. And you can also thank presidents Bush and Obama for signing into law that children cannot be detained at the border longer than 20 days under the trafficking victims protection act.

And now everyone wants to go after president Trump. This is not something that president Trump created. George bush did nothing about it. Barack Obama did nothing about it, and by the way, Laura Bush, we haven't seen you for a while. Thanks for entering the fray and calling the removal of children true and inhumane.

Why didn't you just roll over one night and tell your husband the president that his zero tolerance policy was cruel and inhumane? The left just doesn't care what the facts are. Politicians are willing to stand up and totally contradict themselves in their efforts to create political chaos, hatred and abuse. And Steny Hoyer, the most of senior ranking Democrat in Congress says this.

HOYER: He's taking infant children hostage, wrenching them from the arms of their parents, Traumatizing them perhaps for life.

PIRRO: Hey Steny, you've been in Congress for 37 years. You said nothing during the Clinton, bush or Obama administration, and now you're worried? And Senator Kamala Harris said this.

HARRIS: We imprisoned them. We imprisoned them. We put them behind barbed wires.

PIRRO: Kamala, when you were Attorney General in California, over one million people were separated from their children. Does the separating of children from their families only hurts if Donald Trump is president? And Peter Fonda. He says we should rip the president's son from his mother's arms and put him in a cage with pedophiles. Hey Peter, why don't you get on your motorcycle and take an easy ride off the planet? J-Lo bemoans bemoans and trashes the president for this separation from parents, except this child is separated from her parents in Mosul by ISIS.

Even Time Magazine is so blinded that they ignore all journalistic standard to trash Donald Trump. The child depicted here on the cover was not separated from her mother. In fact the child here was taken by the mother without the father's permission or knowledge or consent from her home country. And this mother by the way had previously been deported.

We cannot allow our country to be overrun by illegal immigrants. The only resolution to this problem is to build the wall. Amnesty does nothing but create an incentive for additional crossing by illegals.

Make no mistake. The Democrats are simply looking for an issue for the 2018 mid-terms. And even if they have to lie, create false images and a movement to intimidate Trump supporters they will stop at nothing.

Folks, we are in a very dangerous place right now. Hate is hate. Hate lead to harassment and abuse. And that abuse leads to violence. And that violence leads to retaliation. Any threat of violence that con injures up a visual of violence is more dangerous than just having different political views.

We are a very short distance from those willing to cross the line of political debate to those willing to cross the line into political abuse. And that's my open.

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