Jim Jordan's Idiotic Response To Trump's Executive Order On Separating Families

Jim Jordan is basically whining, "He signed an executive order, what more do you want?"

Being nasty, cruel and inhumane are Rep Jim Jordan's finest traits as the founding member of the whacked out Freedom Caucus

And he brought all of that to his display this morning on CNN.

Host John Berman from New Day started to discuss the 2300 children already separated from their families by the administration.

"You said 'it's news to me the administration doesn’t have a plan to reunite these 2,300 kids their parents'

Jordan replied, "The president signed executive order yesterday about the situation."

Berman jumped in, “That is not about reunification. That is about what to do going forward.”

"Let's fix that," Jordan replied and then he spewed his typical talking points about border security.

Berman was not sure if the Trump administration will actually take any action on these already displaced children.

"I hope you're right. I really hope you are right," he said.

Jordan smugly replied, "He signed an executive order yesterday, what else do you want?”

There it is. The nasty that defines the Congressman.

“You show me in the executive order where he says anything about reuniting the people already separated," Berman replied.

Jordan made believe this was a silly tact for the CNN host to take, but Berman replied, "It's not what I think it's what we were told.

When asked if Jordan thought Trump's actions were a mistake and Jim replied this is what Trump was elected to do.

He then made believe Congress will support the immigration bills being floated at his time to fix everything.

Already this morning Rep. Mark Meadows said it's unlikely either of the bills gets passed.

“I’m not optimistic about the two bills that will be on the floor today,” Meadows said Thursday in an interview with Hill.TV's "Rising." “I think at this point, the more conservative bill doesn’t get to 218. It’s still up in the air whether the more moderate bill gets to 218.”

And then there's this:

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