Mike's Blog Round Up

Daily links to great liberal blog posts...

Hooray hooray, it's Saturday, & the last day of the first half of the yr.! Why not have a Half-New Yr.'s Eve celebration tonight?

Dispatches From The Culture Wars fears a 21st century Underground Railroad may be necessary for continued reproductive rights in the post-Justice Kennedy era.

The Carpentariat, believing the undecided swing voter is pretty much mythical, suggests tough mid-term messaging from Democrats.

Another mid-term take, from mikey of Consider The Source.

Funny Pages: "We Canadians like to think we’re much better than Americans. But is that true?" from The Nib.

Science Sat. Bonus: Space is the place, & grease is the word: "It looks cold, dark and empty, but astronomers have revealed that interstellar space is permeated with a fine mist of grease-like molecules.

The study provides the most precise estimate yet of the amount of “space grease” in the Milky Way, by recreating the carbon-based compounds in the laboratory. The Australian-Turkish team discovered more than expected: 10 billion trillion trillion tonnes of gloop, or enough for 40 trillion trillion trillion packs of butter."

No wonder those pots, pans & plates never feel really clean. [via Attention to the Unseen].

Greasy M. Bouffant threw this together. He throws other stuff around at Web of Evil (& Ennui).

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