Nicolle Wallace Smacks Sessions: 'The Bible Comes Down Pretty Hard On Lying'

MSNBC put together a handy anthology of Jefferson Beauregard Sessions, III's lies to keep for future reference.

MSNBC put together this handy mashup of Jefferson Beauregard Sessions, III lying through his tiny little cruel teeth to Christians and other concerned Americans. It's one to keep handy for those folks who pretend like what he's doing is anything moral or right.

First, we have Sessions telling CBN that they never really intended to separate families. Of course they did!

TRUE: "[Family separation] hasn't been good and the American people don't like the idea that we are separating families."

LIE: "We never really intended to do that. What we intended to do was to make sure that adults who bring children into the country are charged with the crime they've committed. Instead of giving that special group of adults immunity from prosecution, which is what in effect we were doing."

Yes, not so much, really. When you choke off LEGAL ports of entry so that asylum-seekers are forced to sit on the other side of the border with no food or water until they desperately throw themselves over the border and seek out an officer of the law so they can turn themselves in, they aren't committing crimes. They are protecting their children, Jeffie.

Nicolle Wallace got it, noting that it was "exactly what they intended.

"Jeff Sessions' comments are a complete reversal of his stated policy goals when he proudly and brazenly announced the policy that began this nightmare," she said.


Smug cruel Sessions is practically tingling when he says these things:

"If you are smuggling a child, then we will prosecute you. and that child may be separated from you as required by law."

"If you don't want your child to be separated, then don't bring them across the border illegally. It's not our fault."

THIS IS A LIE. It's totally our fault because we will not admit them at legal ports of entry.

"Our policies that can result in short-term separation of families is not unusual or unjustified and it's really a very short period of time."

THIS TOO IS A LIE, as we now know. We further understand that no procedure was put in place to ensure the children could be reunited with their parents. Instead, we have essentially stolen the children.

And finally, the biggest lie of all: "I would cite you to the Apostle Paul in his clear and wise command in Romans 13 to obey the laws of the government because God has ordained the government for his purposes."

Nicolle Wallace: "I'm no expert, but i think the Bible comes down pretty hard on lying."

Yes, yes it does. Also on mistreating women and children. Also on mistreating the immigrants among us. All of those things are bad. Really bad, just like lying about it.

Sessions' church is pushing him to back down. They might want to include some attempts to hold him accountable for his lies and crimes against humanity, too.

Bookmark this video so that when Jefferson Beauregard Sessions, III is perp-walked alongside his master we can remind him that he should have "obeyed the laws of the government because God ordained the government for his purposes," and those purposes did not include robbing the poor to give to the rich, doing grave harm to the weakest among us, and persecuting children.

Yes, he's got a lot to answer for.

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