WATCH: House Gallery Laughs At Jim Jordan's Asshattery

Rep. Jim Jordan tried to bully Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein but his "argument" led to laughter from the gallery.

Note: the laughing is at the 3:58-minute mark.

Rep. Jim Jordan looked like a pwned internet troll during his questioning of the Deputy Director of the FBI Rosenstein this morning.

Jordan, Freedom Caucus Asshat Extraoridinaire, kept filibustering and interrupting whenever Rosenstein tried to answer his questions, and at one point the gallery burst out and laughed at his antics.

Jordan's act was in defense of Trump alone and it was intended only to smear the FBI. Jordan put on a fake outrage act to make it appear that the FBI was withholding evidence from Congress during an active investigation of Trump, and to continue the charade that the FBI was out to get Donald.

Jordan asked why he's keeping information from Congress and Rosenstein said he was complying completely.

Rep. Eric Swalwell tried to get Jordan to stop interrupting and grandstanding.

Rep. Sheila Jackson then tried to intervene to allow Rosenstein actually give an answer and correct the record, but the chairman of the committee would not allow a parliamentary inquiry.

Several Times Rep Jordan said the House of Representatives was going to go on the record to say Rosenstein hasn't complied with their requests.

As Jordan tried to paint a conspiracy theory with Peter Strzok, Rod Rosenstein did not take kindly to Jordan's antics and stood up to him throughout.

Jordan held up some papers to make believe he had credible evidence against Rosenstein.

When Jordan used a Fox News report that said Rosenstein threatened to subpoena their staffers, Rosenstein denied making any threats and said he shouldn't believe all reports he reads.

(3:58 minute mark)

Jordan, "Mr. Rosenstein, did you threaten staffers on the house intelligence committee? Media reports indicate you did."

Fox News that is.

Rosenstein, "Media reports are mistaken."

Jordan, "Sometimes. This is what they said, 'having the nation's number one law enforcement officer threaten to subpoena your calls and e-mails is downright chilling.' Did you threaten to subpoena their calls and e-mails?"

Rosenstein, "No, sir and there is no way to subpoena phone calls."

Jordan, "I mean, I'm just saying --

The gallery broke out in laughter.

Jordan tried to gather himself gathered himself and held up a print out of the Fox report.

"I'm reading what the press said."

"I would suggest you not rely on what the press says, sir."

Jordan. "I didn't ask if there was no way to do it. I asked if you said it."

"If I said what?

"What I just read you?"

"No, I did not."

Rosenstein answered but Jordan would not let it go.

"Now who are we supposed to believe? Staff members who we worked with, who never misled us, or you guys who we caught hiding information from us, who tell a witness not to answer our questions, who are we supposed to believe?"

"Thank you for making clear it is not personal, Mr. Jordan."

Rosenstein continued, "Because I'm telling the truth and I'm under oath, if you want to put somebody else under oath and they have something different --"

Jordan said he knows these staff members? Please. Let's face it, he'll never put his staffers under oath, ever.

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