MSNBC Pundit Shocked By Trump G7 Presser: He 'Is Not Working For The United States'
Sarah Kendzior: It may be quite literally the end of this country thanks to Trump and the GOP.
Here we have Sarah and Joy discussing global re-alignment based on the fact that they have just heard President Putinlecher give a formal press conference for the first time in sixteen months. Sarah is considerably more agitated than in Part 1 of this series. Her hair is pretty much on fire, since it is more clear than ever that not only will our dicktator kiss Kim Jong Un full on the lips, he will hand over the nuclear codes tout suite. Unless, of course, he walks into the room, and within five seconds of touching and feeling decides he won't get a deal, and then he will walk out. Because this is who racists and sexists elected. "It's just my touch, my feel. It's what I do." -Abraham Lincoln - Donald J. Trump
Sarah Kendzior, scholar, author, and dropper of intense complex international global analysis regarding the rise of autocrats and dictators, proceeded to completely lose her shit. She dropped the hammer not only on this grotesque pussy-grabber anti-president, but the boot-licking grifting Congressional Republicans, who have done absolutely nothing - NOTHING - to reign him in.
KENDZIOR: Trump is not working for the United States. He is not working for the interests of the United States. He is not working for the interests of United States workers....It's enormously destructive. It's shameful that the GOP has done nothing. They know these policies will hurt their states. Whatever short term view they have, whatever careerism they might have, in the long run, this is going to DEVASTATE America. They may think they're fine. Their kids will not be fine. Their grandkids might not be. There might not BE a country for them to inherit. They need to take this seriously.
I'm gonna go ahead and agree with Kendzior, here. The longer it takes us to get rid of him, the longer it will take us to climb out of the muck he keeps pouring into this ever-deepening valley...with the help and glee of his GOP partners in Congress.