Alan Dershowitz Whines Nobody Likes Him At Martha's Vineyard Anymore

Alan Dershowitz, snowflake of Martha's Vineyard

Trump supporting attorney, Alan Dershowitz wrote an op-ed in The Hill whining like jackass that his friends at Martha's Vineyard are shunning him because of his weird defense of Trump.

Dershowitz's piece focuses on the lefty meanies, who have begun shunning Trump cabinet members for continually lying to the American public.

Alan claims to be an ever-loving Democrat who is only looking out for Trump's civil liberties, but Trump has the entire Congress as well as Fox News, Breitbart and every other far-right media organization doing just that.

Why does he think he's needed? Being a lawyer of some international celebrity, he knows that when he defends Trump against Special Counsel Robert Mueller, it will become big news.

But that is not good enough for some of my old friends on Martha’s Vineyard. For them, it is enough that what I have said about the Constitution might help Trump. So they are shunning me and trying to ban me from their social life on Martha’s Vineyard. One of them, an academic at a distinguished university, has told people that he would not attend any dinner or party to which I was invited.

He dares to compare what his friends at the Vineyard that are doing to him to McCarthyism.

This is all familiar to me, since I lived through McCarthyism in the 1950s, when lawyers who represented alleged communists on civil libertarian grounds were shunned. Some of these lawyers and victims of McCarthyism lived on Martha’s Vineyard. I never thought I would see McCarthyism come to Martha’s Vineyard, but I have.

Alan, you are a fatuous gasbag.

McCarthyism destroyed a multitude of careers and people's lives by a raging lunatic for years until it was discredited. You not being welcomed for some tea and crumpets hardly compares.

On Twitter, CNBC's John Harwood says Alan even said he was being discriminated against by those Martha's Vineyard folks.

Does Dershowitz even realize how repulsive it is for him to talk about discrimination in this way?

Alan is enabling the most corrupt, narcissistic and unhinged man in the Oval Office in modern history. Sorry your friends are unhappy with you.

If there's any fallout to you, it's all your own doing, you cowardly snowflake.

As an attorney, you can't be criticized for defending an O.J. Simpson because that's our legal system, but if you're going to defend the indefensible Trump continually, a person you say hasn't hired you, then shut the f**k up.

You can always hang out with Sean Hannity, Jeanine Pirro, Lou Dobbs and the Fox and Friends couch if you get lonely.

I'm sure they make a nice cocktail too.

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