With No Apology, Brit Hume Deletes Tweet Saying Left 'Sure Don't Love ' America

Deleting a tweet isn't an apology, Brit Hume.

After telling the world the left hates America by commenting and retweeting a moronic story from Powerline, former Fox News host Brit Hume deleted the tweet in an effort to tamp down criticism he's received.

Brit Hume, however, has played this "Democrats hate America" tune for years. Remember the "Michelle Obama is an arch-liberal embarrassed by patriotism" Brit Hume from ten years ago? He hasn't changed a bit.

And make no mistake, he did not apologize for his sophistry this week, either.

Here's what he tweeted on the Fourth of July.

Here's my response via the Twitter machine.

Hinderaker blames U.S. education of course and tells his readers "Perhaps the best thing you can do for your offspring is not to send them to college."

Okay, then.

Here was some of the criticism he received.

Here was his response to the backlash he then faced.

After getting his arse kicked, he then agreed that the poll was unfair and deleted his previous tweet.

That's not a freaking apology.

That's a meek response for a horrible tweet on Independence Day.

He should be ashamed of himself, but his writing reads more like it came from a programmed Westworld host than a real person.

If you're sorry say so.

Apparently, he's not.

And nobody should say so.

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