This Day In History: July 27th

July 27th has been quite a day in our political lives, whether it be 2016 or 2017. What will 2018 bring?

Here's a little walk down memory lane to close out the week.

On July 27, 2016, Donald Trump shouted out for the Russians to please hack Hillary's emails and find those 30,000 missing ones.

On that same day, Russians made their first hack attampt into Hillary Clinton's office servers and a domain she used, after already breaching the DNC's email servers. That also followed the first releases of hacked emails from the trove they obtained from the DNC. We also know that the very same hack scored stolen voter turnout databases, which were likely quite useful to the Trump folks in the general election campaign.

AND...On July 27, 2017, in the wee hours of the morning, the Senate voted on Trumpcare for what would be the final time. The vote came down to the wire when Senator John McCain entered the room, and gave a dramatic thumbs-down, killing the bill and the Senate's will to go for another round of repeal bills. Instead, they turned their eyes (and hopes) to a tax cut bill which is nothing more than a scam for billionaires at the middle class and poor's expense.

And that concludes This Day In History, July 27th.

Happy Friday.

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