Former Wrestler Tells CNN Jim Jordan Knew About OSU Sexual Abuse

Former Ohio State wrestler Mike DiSabato explained the systematic sexual abuse by the team doctor and was adamant that Rep. Jim Jordan knew about it at the time.

In a lengthy discussion with CNN's John Berman, former Ohio State wrestler Mike DiSabato explained the systematic sexual abuse by the team doctor and was adamant that Rep. Jim Jordan knew and was upset that he's denying it now.

The CNN New Day co-host asked him to comment on the statement made by Jordan's office.

BERMAN: The statement from Congressman Jim Jordan's office was, is, "Congressman Jordan never saw any abuse, never heard about any abuse and never had any abuse reported to him during his time as coach at Ohio State."

When you see that statement, what do you think?

DISABATO: Again, it's just not true. And I think the congressman may be playing semantics with the word.

Again, I don't -- I don't think Jim and/or a lot of folks, coaches, administrators, really understood that, you know, touching a man's genitals without the need to do so is the definition -- is a definition of sexual abuse and sexual assault. Again, in the mid-80s, that -- that term wasn't necessarily used. However, to now say -- to now know that the word does apply to what was happening to us at the time is just -- is -- is -- is just -- it's surprising to me given the fact that Jim has -- this isn't the Jim Jordan I know.

At this point in time, Rep. Jordan, who is looking to replace Speaker Ryan has a lot to lose so his office is stonewalling this investigation.

DISABATO I know Jim knew about the -- what I call the deviant sexual atmosphere that we were exposed to.

BERMAN: How do you know? How do you know?

DISABATO: Well, I -- we all had conversations. Jim was more like a big brother than a coach. He was, you know, 23, 24 years old when I -- when I first met him in 1986. When he first became an assistant coach at Ohio State. I've known Jim for over 40 years. His family and I -- I've been close to his family. I've stayed in touch with Jim over the years. We talk, you know, once a month.

DiSabato obviously has a great and long time relationship with Rep. Jim Jordan. his former coach and is somebody that's very credible because you can see through the interview how pained he was having to rehash the abuses and put Jordan in a bad light.

DiSabato also slammed the university for stonewalling many of his requests.

He then recounted some of the information that he told NBC News.

BERMAN: And what did -- what did Congressman Jordan say to you when you told him you were coming forward with this?

DISABATO: Well, first of all, to be fair, when you have a conversation -- and I've had multiple conversations with victims, and you're talking about sexual abuse, it's not necessarily -- it's shocking to want -- to some extent. And so his reaction was, you know, I just don't want to get involved.

John Berman then asked "what message do you want to send to Congressman Jordan, someone who you say you've known for years? "

DISABATO: Well, again, there was no reason to deny that this happened. It's not necessarily Jim Jordan's fault that the university did not take action. I think he should have looked at the definition, sought better counsel before he used such dramatic words to really upset the victims. I mean I've known Jim and this just is not -- this was not good for his -- I mean, it just wasn't true.


DISABATO: And, you know, part of me is -- I've got a lot of affinity for Jim Jordan as a coach, as an athlete, as a friend and -- but at the end of the day, I've got a duty to myself and other victims to tell the real story, not a fake narrative.

Fake narratives is something Rep.Jordan knows well.

If Rep. Jordan continues to deny this blockbuster sexual abuse story it's going to get very ugly for the Freedom Caucus Congressman no matter how Trump defends him.

And yesterday after the news broke, Fox News ignored the story completely.

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