Fox News' Trish Regan: Trump 'Should Have Defended Us!'

Many Fox News and Fox Business hosts are upset following Trump's cowering to Putin in front of the world.

Fox News and Business' Trish Regan began her FBN show angry at Trump's mealy-mouthed press conference with Vladimir Putin:

"He should have defended us!"

Showing media headlines before Trump's meeting with Putin, Regan quoted all the negativity surrounding the summit in general.

"The MSM did not want this meeting to happen I and, I had really hoped I could say that they were wrong. I thought I could ... this was an opportunity for our president to get there on stage and look Vladimir Putin in the eye and say you're not gonna mess with us again."

She continued perplexed, "But, he didn't. In fact, he basically said he didn't buy with his intelligence community are telling him."

“This was clearly not his best performance....He should have defended us! He should have defended his own intelligence community. Or just don’t take the meeting! Don’t go to Helsinki if you can’t look the guy in the eye and tell him what’s what!”

Surprisingly, Trish Regan exhibited a lot of anger against Trump in this segment.

After playing some video of Trump at the presser believing Putin over his intelligence community, she responded, "I don't get it."

"When everyone is agreement that they did interfere and you are up there on the world stage suggesting otherwise -- what has happened?"\

On a day when Trump looked and acted small in front the Russian murderous president, his usual defenders were outraged.

Time will tell how Fox News viewership reacts to anti-Trump sentiment at the network. They're not used to that. If you lose Fox News, Donnie, you've got nothing.

Frances Langum contributed to this post.

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