House Traitors Prepare Impeachment Papers For Rosenstein

Now that they have their guy in at the DOJ, they're ready to make their move.

No matter what happens in the Mueller investigation, no matter how many indictments are returned, no matter how ugly the truth of our 2016 elections are, we can certainly count on the House Freedom Traitors to behave like...traitors.

POLITICO reports that even as Rosenstein was announcing today's indictments, Mark Meadows was on the floor with impeachment documents.

Conservative sources say they could file the impeachment document as soon as Monday, as Meadows and Freedom Caucus founder Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) look to build Republican support in the House. One source cautioned, however, that the timing was still fluid.

This, after Special Counsel Robert Mueller has shown in excruciating detail just how hard Russia worked to elect Donald Trump.

This, after Special Counsel Robert Mueller has inextricably linked Russian military intelligence activities to a wide-ranging hack of far, far more than emails from Clinton campaign personnel. Deep hacks into voter turnout models, voter registration systems, voter rolls and more are documented in that indictment. But sure, let's impeach the guy overseeing it.

That hack was an act of war, and the Republicans propping Trump and Russia up by snuffling around impeachment of the law enforcement personnel overseeing the investigation are hovering dangerously close to treason, if not crossing the line.

Part of this investigation must be an unmasking of these traitorous monsters, top to bottom, from the inside out. They must be exposed, and they must pay the price. There can be no more mercy. but they must be prosecuted and jailed to the fullest extent of the law.

Oh, and one other thing: Trump cannot appoint a Supreme Court justice who will likely be hearing legal challenges to his own legal jeopardy. It cannot be allowed to happen.

As Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein said when he unveiled the indictments, it is time to be patriots, not partisans. Clearly Meadows, Jordan, et al are not patriots. It is time to remove them from power.

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