Katy Tur Drags Rudy Giuliani For Denying Things 'No One Has Accused'

MSNBC's Katy Tur asks the question we all have: what is Rudy Giuliani doing? Is he working for Mueller because his attempts at damage control are definitely not helping Trump.

Katy Tur did a hilarious takedown of Rudy Giuliani this afternoon after his insane set of interviews this morning where not only did he seemingly admit to meetings that were never made public but also denied totally random accusations that had never been levied against Donald Trump. Here is her hilarious opening:

The President's lawyer himself is denying the President himself hacked into the DNC and the Clinton campaign, which is strange because no one has accused the President of hacking into the DNC or the Clinton campaign.

The President's lawyer is now denying that the president himself met with a group of Russians at Trump Tower, which is strange because no one has accused the President of meeting with a group of Russians at Trump Tower.

The President's lawyer is now denying that there was a meeting to talk strategy ahead of the Trump Tower meeting, which is strange, because no one has mentioned anything about a strategy session ahead of the Trump Tower meeting.

So what the heck is going on? Well, the President's lawyer is arguing that colluding with Russia isn't a crime. Which is strange, because the President has been telling us for over a year now that there was not any collusion.

The president's lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, is also arguing that there isn't a single stitch of evidence of collusion. Which is strange, because that's just not true, and it's even less true now than it's ever been.

Guys, you've got to wonder if Rudy Giuliani's bizarre string of claims today is a reaction to a string of rapid-fire developments, all of which raise legitimate questions about collusion. The President's long-time attorney is now suggesting that the President lied when he said he didn't know that his campaign met with Russians after being told those Russians would have dirt on Hillary Clinton. That comes after the White House spent the last two weeks trying to clean up the mess after the President basically covered for Russia's crimes while standing next to the guy who ordered those crimes be committed.

Great clip summing up Rudy's disastrous interviews today.

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