Lou Dobbs Hilariously Claims DOJ Is 'An Active Political Arm Of The Left'

Lou Dobbs and Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton got together to deal Jefferson Beauregard Sessions, III a blow: It turns out he's just a tool of the left!

Okay, everyone. Belly up to the blog for your daily belly laugh, this one courtesy of none other than Lou Dobbs and Judicial Watch founder Tom Fitton. It is always interesting to see "government watchdog" Fitton stand tall and proud for his man Trump while pretending he's neutral so he can posture on Fox Biz at taxpayers' expense, isn't it?

So Lou and Tom are having sort of a hissy fit in this clip because Mueller's grand jury indicted 12 Russians and that news broke last Friday, and also Trump's hand-picked FBI director Christopher Wray said some words at the Aspen Ideas conference that got Lou's Depends in a bunch.

The talking point from all the right wing nutheads these days is this: How DARE Mueller indict Russians who will never stand trial. HOW DARE HE? Clearly it is all an act of the deep state to undercut Trump's relationship with his handler Vladimir Putin!

"And you have this intervention in foreign policy with these indictments that are really press releases in a sense they will never be litigated or see trial, and it's distorting our relationship with Russia," Fitton fussed.

Aw. Maybe Russia should have stayed the fck out of our elections. Just sayin'.

Still, this isn't the big funny. Here we go.

Lou Dobbs, the Ancient Racist From Another Century, said something that made me laugh so loud I woke my neighbors up when I read it last night.

The Justice Department, Lou lamented, "Is beyond politicized, it is an active political arm of the left in this country, and the deep state and there is no question about it."

HOLD UP. Has anyone told Jefferson Beauregard Sessions, III he is a tool of the left? ANYONE? Has anyone told Sessions his "deep state" is an active political arm of the left? After all these years of thinking of Sessions as a nasty racist with a penchant for hard-right holiness, this is NEWS, DAMMIT.

Oh, and just to let everyone know Lou's Depends are twisted harder than Tom's bikini panties, he wrapped his rant with a smack at FBI Director Christopher Wray. "For Christopher Wray to sit in Aspen and answer a question as he did, he's not an artful person or an imaginative one."

SO THERE. Answer no questions, FBI Director Wray. After all, the American people sign your paycheck but sure, answer no questions.

Here are some things FBI Director Wray said at Aspen that could have gotten Lou Dobbs mad.

"[Trump's] got his view. He has expressed his view," Wray said. "I can tell you what my view is. The intelligence community's assessment has not changed. My view has not changed, which is that Russia attempted to interfere with the last election and it continues to engage in maligned influence operations to this day."


"I get asked this a lot and I do not believe special counsel Mueller is a on a witch hunt," he responded. "I think it is a professional investigation conducted by a man I believe to be a straight shooter."


Holt asked if he has ever hit a point that he has thought about resigning, when it comes to being questioned by lawmakers on sources or investigation methods, or any other issue.


"As I said, I'm a low-key, understated guy but that should not be mistaken to what my spine is made out of," he said. "I will just leave it at that."

I wonder which one it was that made Dobbs SO ANGRY. Has anyone told the people who watch him religiously that he might be bad for their blood pressure, overall mental health, and cardiovascular system?

Maybe he needs a disclaimer like those pharma ads that keep him on the air.

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