Maria Bartiromo On Trump's Putin Presser: 'The Low Point Of The Presidency So Far'

Staunch Trump supporters are infuriated he kowtowed to Putin.

Maria Bartiromo, a stout Trump surrogate, called the Trump-Putin presser a failure: “It was probably the low point of the presidency so far.”

Dagen McDowell began the show, saying it was a meeting that didn't have to happen, but Trump "burnished the reputation or at least the image of a anti-American goon."

In other words. Trump polished Putin's noggin.

Maria Bartiromo then read a section of a very critical WSJ op-ed against 'The Trump First Doctrine'

Maria read, "The charitable explanation for this kowtow to the Kremlin is that Mr. Trump can’t get past his fury that critics claim his election was tainted by Russian interference. And so he couldn’t resist, in front of the world, going off on a solipsistic ramble about ‘Hillary Clinton’ emails’ and Democratic ‘servers.'

She continued, "It was disappointing."

At one point Maria held up The House Intel report that stated Russia did interfere in our elections.

The Wall Street Journal's Jon Hilsenrath made the point that Trump had no problems calling the Europeans our foes and said Trump, "had spent the previous days sticking his finger in the eye of so many allies in Europe.”

The panel wondered who would quit because of Trump's performance.

And Maria wrapped it up by saying, "There are questions that we could see resignations. We'll see about that. We will see how lasting this is. It was probably the low point of the presidency so far.”

For eight years the conservative movement tried to paint President Obama as weak, a Muslim brotherhood sleeper agent and so on, but now faced with watching their own xenophobic Trump actually being weak and puny in front of a known enemy of the state? it's devastating for their pro-Trump cheerleading addiction.

And there's no way Trump can fix it by tweeting or giving pressers now because he's not in front of the Putin, the Russian president.

I'd say Trump has had many low points so far but this one will resonate much deeper than the others.

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