Rep. Jim Jordan Accused Of Covering Up Sexual Assaults As Wrestling Coach At Ohio State

Rep. Jordan is in big trouble for allegedly allowing a sexual predator remain untouched as a college wrestling coach.

One of Trump's favorite henchmen in the House Freedom Caucus, Rep. Jim Jordan is now being accused by former wrestlers who he coached at Ohio State for failing to stop a team doctor from sexually abusing them in the 90's.

If you can't protect your own players from a disgusting team doctor, WTF are you good for?

NBC News breaks this story.

Three former wrestlers told NBC News that it was common knowledge that Strauss showered regularly with the students and inappropriately touched them during appointments, and said it would have been impossible for Jordan to be unaware; one wrestler said he told Jordan directly about the abuse.

Rep. Jordan has denied knowing anything about this, but one of his former wrestlers, Mike DiSabato, whose allegations kicked off the investigations called Jordan a "liar."

“I considered Jim Jordan a friend,” DiSabato said. “But at the end of the day, he is absolutely lying if he says he doesn’t know what was going on.”

Not only is he being called a liar, but DiSabato informed him that he was going public this year and Jordan asked him to keep his name out of it.

A wrestler named Dunyasha Yetts, who has a criminal past told NBC News that he and others informed Rep. Jordan about the abusing doctor.

Another, who asked to not be named was perplexed that Jordan would deny knowing anytime now.

“I love Jimmy to death,” the ex-wrestler said. “It was a head-scratcher to me why he would say he didn’t know anything. Doc used to take showers with the team even though he didn’t do any workouts, and everybody used to snicker about how you go into his office for a sore shoulder and he tells you to take your pants down.”

It's not shocking for Jordan [allegedly] to now try and cover up what he knew then and why he did nothing to stop the sexual assault of young men under his care.

My question is why did he stay silent when his players were screaming about a pervert in his own hen house?

You can't go much lower than that as a human being.

Rep. Jordan has made a career out of being a conservative fiscal zealot and a mean and nasty presence that makes believe he stands for truth and justice while striking out against his political opponents on TV appearances and during Committee hearings while vigorously defending Trump.

Now it appears he has much in common with Trump, coach Joe Paterno and the infamous U.S. Gymnastics' Doctor Nassar.

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