Rudy Moves Goalposts Again: Only Top People Can Collude With Russians
Suddenly what Giuliani considered relevant people to Mueller's inquiries has become much smaller, indeed.
How many times can Rudy Guiliani move the goalposts in one day? We're finding out.
The Fox News 'Outnumbered' panel seemed surprised that Rudy Giuliani changed course again in his defense of Trump by telling the media that "collusion " with Russians isn't a crime.
So THEN Rudy called in to the show to clean up his latest mess.
Co-host Harris Faulkner let him issue a statement and then asked him some questions that have been confusing to many this morning and he did his best to confound people even more.
Faulkner, "First start off with a statement because we certainly want to talk about what looked like a shift this morning."
Rudy went on and on about how he really hasn't changed anything at all saying he's been constant by saying Trump didn't collude and collusion is no crime.
Guy Benson came up next and got very precise with Rudy directly asking if Trump colluded with the Russians.
Then he asked, "Of that meeting that we knew about at Trump Tower with the Russians and high-level people within the Trump world, the Trump campaign at the time, you are saying again for the record that the presidential nominee Donald Trump at the time, did not know about the existence of that meeting prior to it occurring?"
Rudy replied, "Yes, I'm glad you asked it, very, very clear - yes."
Giuliani continued, "And let me make one slight amendment when I say the Trump campaign I mean the upper levels of the Trump campaign. I have no reason to believe anybody else did. The only [garbled] I checked with were obviously the top four or five people."
Harris Faulkner came in to once again try to clarify Giuliani's comments and asked if "Donald Junior, Jared Kushner, Paul Manafort, Gates, these would have been the upper people in the Trump campaign that you are talking about in your amendment here?"
As Kennedy was preparing to ask a question, Rudy said, "And they have all denied it."
The Manafort trial has also clearly rattled the Trump team.
Now Rudy is saying the only people he's talked to and who are considered the Trump campaign are those at the top of the food chain in the campaign at the time of the infamous Trump Tower meeting with Russians claiming to have dirt of Hillary Clinton to give to them.
So Rudy is changing the entire playing field totally by proclaiming only four or five people can be held accountable in the Trump camp with regards to Russian interference, hacking, collusion and committing high crimes and misdemeanors.