Trump Releases Enemies List, Threatens To Yank Their Security Clearances
Donald Trump released his enemies list via Sarah Huckabee Sanders: James Clapper, James Comey, John Brennan, Susan Rice, Andrew McCabe, and General Hayden are monetizing their security clearances, according to the liars in the White House.
Today's episode of "I'm a spoiled man-baby" comes courtesy of Rand Paul, who stalked up to the White House today to demand that John Brennan lose his security clearance because he was mean about talking about Trump's weak submission to Russian president Vladimir Putin.
Reporters heard the rumors, and asked Sarah Huckabee Sanders about it at today's incredibly brief White House press briefing.
Her answer was concise and read from a prepared statement: "Not only is the president looking to take away Brennan's security clearance. He's also looking into the clearances of Comey, Clapper, Hayden, Rice, and McCabe. The president is exploring the mechanisms to remove security clearances because they've politicized and in some cases monetized their clearances. Making accusations of improper contact with Russia. It's extremely inappropriate, and the fact that people with security clearances are making baseless charges provides inappropriate legitimacy to accusations with zero evidence."
The people she listed (with the exception of McCabe who likely helped Trump in the long run) are not sharing classified information with viewers on MSNBC, CNN or other non-Fox pundits. Yanking their security clearances would do nothing to shut them down.
It is also quite convenient that those he wants to smack don't make appearances on Fox News or Fox Business, isn't it?
One reporter observed exactly that: "There's speech he doesn't like, and he wants to punish them for it."
"No, I think you're creating your own story," Sanders snarled. "The president doesn't like the fact that people are politicizing agencies and departments that are specifically meant to not be political and not meant to be monetized off of security clearances."
Of course, I must once again point out that this is a lie, and the proof it's a lie rests in the fact that any "national security analyst" for Fox News and Fox Business is not on Trump's enemies list.
Hallie Jackson followed up with this question: "Isn't the president doing exactly what you just said the president doesn't want all these people doing? Politicizing matters of national security by going after his political enemies?"
Sarah repeated the same tired claim, lying to every reporter in the room, before concluding with the standard "we're exploring what those options are and what that looks like" nonsense line.
The next reporter steps up: "What about President Obama and Vice President Biden and their security clearances? Are they on the list as well?"
Short answer: No.
So let's just review. With the exception of Andrew McCabe, these people are patriots who watched Donald Trump sell out our country in a weak display of fealty to Vladimir Putin last week with their own eyes. They didn't read top secret reports, they didn't view intelligence information. They simply watched Donald Trump call the Russian President "strong and powerful" while selling out his own intelligence agencies here at home and denying they interfered in the election.
That's speech Donald Trump doesn't like so he's looking for a punishment. You betcha.
Rand Paul is crowing: