Again, CBS Flubs Headline In Favor Of GOP Lie On Pre-Existing Conditions

What the heck, CBS? Who is writing your headlines, Karl Rove?

What the hell, CBS? Less than a week ago the network was called out for a headline claiming Beto O'Rourke supported the NFL's "protest of the National Anthem."

Speaking as someone who writes headlines often here at C&L, I can tell you it's often hard to get it right. Headlines are hard. And it's August. Their regular headline writers might be on vacation. BUT.

When the article says:

The change in campaign messaging aligns with a new proposal in Washington introduced by Sen. Dean Heller, who faces a tough reelection fight, last week. Heller and 10 other Republicans introduced a bill on Thursday that would ensure health care for those with preexisting conditions.

And THAT'S A LIE, which several healthcare policy experts immediately called out as a lie, someone at CBS is being damn lazy. We called it out at C&L this way:

Republicans have a solution! GOP Senators will draft some legislation which does absolutely nothing but at least gives them a chance to say they give a damn about pre-existing conditions, which they do not.

What Republicans in the Senate have done is this: They have introduced legislation which will force insurers to cover everyone. YOU get an insurance card, and YOU get an insurance card, Everyone gets an insurance card!

Except that insurance card gets you nothing at all, because insurers will not be required to cover claims for pre-existing conditions! You get to pay the insurer to not get coverage.

Does Karl Rove have a secret internship at CBS? Because that's the best explanation I can think of for this propaganda appearing at what pretends to be an actual news network.

Topher Spiro is right:

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