Duncan Hunter Blames 'Deep State' For His Personal Use Of Campaign Funds

As is the case with all of these corrupt Republicans, the evidence of Duncan Hunter and his wife's misuse of campaign funds is so overwhelming that his denials ring as hollow as a dead tree.

I spent 2 hours Tuesday evening reading the indictment of Duncan and Margaret Hunter. The document is 47 pages long, details 62 counts of campaign fund misuse, paints a clear picture of a couple living far above their means without a thought to how they might need to sacrifice in order to curb their spending.

And why should they curb spending when they had a nice fat campaign account to draw from with a seemingly infinite flow of funds for those times when they just needed to tide themselves over to the next paycheck?

Hunter, because he is just a corrupt Republican who thinks his district will keep sending him back to the pig trough because he is the descendant of another corrupt Republican, made a big show Wednesday of fluffing himself up and pointing fingers away from himself, just like his hero Donald Trump does.

"You have partisan, biased Department of Justice employees that are doing it to Trump, they're doing it to me," Hunter huffed. "This is political. period."

And then he puffed. "There is -- this is the U.S. Government at what i would call the 'Deep State or folks in the U.S. Government that don't care what the election does, they want to rig the election their own way."

Yeah, not so much, and Brian Williams spent just under 3 minutes showing us all why. Watch the video for the delicious and fact-based takedown.

And just for Duncan and Margaret Hunter, some reminders...

The "Deep State" didn't put Margaret Hunter on the payroll or give her a campaign credit card to pay for dance competitions, rabbit travel and more.

The "Deep State" didn't use campaign funds at Costco, In-N-Out Burger, pricey private Christian schools and cosmetic dentists.

The "Deep State" didn't use campaign funds for golf fees or to buy shorts at a golf course and then classify that purchase as "balls for wounded veterans."

The "Deep State" didn't take a pricey trip to Italy and say "fck the Navy" when the Navy couldn't give them an excuse to fly the whole family over there.

No, the Deep State did not do those things. The Hunters did those things, and they did them despite warning after warning after warning from their campaign Treasurer.

Hunter can huff and puff about "deep state" rigging, but the fact of the matter is that he is corrupt as they come, he used campaign money as his personal bank account, and he's going to jail for a very long time after he's tried and convicted on all 62 counts.

By the way, Hunter's name is on the November ballot and cannot be removed. But he does have a Democratic opponent, a young Obama alumnus who worked in the Department of Labor by the name of Ammar Campa-Najjar.

Voters in Hunter's district, you have a pretty straightforward choice; You can vote for the guy who said "fck the Navy" as he dipped into his campaign funds to pay for his travels, golf and more, or you can give Campa-Naijar a shot.

"I'm happy to see that justice is being dealt. Nobody's above the law, not even a sitting congressman," Campa-Najjar said. "The people of the district deserve better than a congressman who can't follow the law, much less pass and enforce laws."

Choose wisely, 50th district. Just in case there is still any doubt about whether it was the "deep state" or the Hunters' greed, here is the indictment for anyone interested to read.

Hunter Indictment 18CR3677 W by Karoli on Scribd

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