Devin Nunes Tells Donors GOP Must Keep Obstructing Mueller Or 'All Of This Goes Away'

Nunes was recorded at a fundraiser for Cathy McMorris Rogers behind closed doors, where he appealed to donors to help them continue obstructing the Mueller investigation.

Rachel Maddow opened her show tonight by playing audio recordings obtained at a recent fundraiser in Washington state for Cathy McMorris Rodgers, whose seat is in far more danger than anyone realized before yesterday.

A group by the name of Fuse Washington bought a ticket to the fundraiser and recorded Nunes' remarks. There were three main clips. In the first, he suggests that a candidate releasing stolen emails could be considered criminal. Of course, we all know Wikileaks released the stolen DNC emails, so he must have felt like he was on solid ground.

Clip number 2 wasn't much of anything to speak of. He basically explained that they'd really love to impeach Rod Rosenstein but they couldn't because the Senate just didn't have the time to take it up with that Supreme Court justice pending. I guess that excuse is better than admitting there's no way they'd get even 50 votes in the Senate for that nonsense, assuming the House would even pass it.

But the last clip, now that was something special, and I've clipped it for you to hear with your own ears above.

"So therein lies, so it's like your classic Catch-22 situation, where we were at a -- this puts us in such a tough spot," Nunes explained to donors.

"If Sessions won't unrecuse, Mueller won't clear the president. We're the only ones, which is really the danger," he continued.

That's why ...we have to keep all these [seats], we have to keep the majority," Nunes insisted. "If we do not keep the majority, all of this goes away."

In other words, those are the stakes. If they lose the majority, they can't obstruct Mueller, and if they can't obstruct Mueller, "all of this goes away."

Rachel put an exclamation on that point too. "They need to stop the Russia investigation or keep using the power of Congress to impede that investigation, or else, right?"

"That's the stakes for them keeping the majority. They're using the majority to impede the investigation. If they lose the majority the investigation might go forward, and then quote all of this goes away."

Let's make that happen. Let's see "all of this go away." All of it. Circling like a flushed toilet.

It's shocking to hear them say it, though, isn't it?

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