Don Trump Jr. Calls Democratic Party 'The Real Nazis' After Watching D'Souza's Mess

How embarrassing is it for Trump to have his son stoop so low? Not embarrassing at all.

In an embarrassing endorsement of "fake history," an actual president's son proclaimed that the Democratic party is the Nazi party and history books and teachers and professors have been lying to Americans and their children since WWII.

Who better to promote these lies and right-wing propaganda than OAN's Jack Posobiec, Mr. Pizzagate himself.

Don Jr. was at D'Souza's premiere of his new fever dream called "Death Of A Nation."

Variety reviews it thusly, " In “Death of a Nation,” Dinesh D’Souza is no longer preaching to the choir; he’s preaching to the mentally unsound. That’s how detached from reality his “philosophy,” his armchair rage, and his passionate and consuming desire to be a radical-right shill have become -- The film’s demented thesis is that postwar American liberalism is nothing more than Nazism in drag."

But to defend his father's white nationalist belief system, Donald Jr. approves of this historic mess, put together by the convicted felon who daddy Trump pardoned earlier this year.

When interviewed by the Pizzagatekeeper, Junior says, "I've been out hearing the left talking about all these things, fascism, Nazism on the right and when you look at the actual history of how these things evolved, and when you actually look at that platform versus the platform of the modern left, you say wait a minute, those two are really heavily aligned and, frankly, contrary to the right."

He continued, "You see the Nazi platform in the early 1930s and what was actually put out there ... and you look at it compared to like the DNC platform of today, and you're saying, man, those things are awfully similar, to a point where it's actually scary,"

The history scholar went on, "Have you actually taken a history class?"

"But they're able to get away with that because, you know, academia, mainstream media, they'll sell the same false narrative and they've been doing it effectively for quite some time," Trump Jr. said.

What a f***ing moron.

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