Erik Prince Bashes U.S. Military To Persuade Trump To Privatize Afghan War
And Fox News gives this war criminal a platform. Wow.
The founder of Blackwater trashed the U.S. Army in his attempts to persuade Donald Trump to give him a big contract and fight the war privately.
Fox and Friends Co-host Brian Kilmeade sat nodding like a jackass while Prince's denigrating comments about the men and women in the armed forces flew right by him.
Bob Mueller's special counsel has been digging into Prince's possible attempts to form a back channel to the Kremlin for Trump, but Kilmeade didn't think to bring that up.
After Trump sent in more troops last year, Prince told Kilmeade Donald now owns the war and they are failing.
Kilmeade agreed that Trump has changed things up there, "Are you saying it's not as effective?"
"It is a continuous litany of death and failure. What we are encouraging the president to do is to go back to what worked after 9/11, before the big conventional forces rolled in."
"When you had a few special forces and a few CIA officers backed by air power and they decimated the Taliban in a matter of weeks," Prince said.
Kilmeade replied, "But they did not hold territory."
Prince claims they did hold a lot of territories and renamed "privatization" to a "rationalization."
After explaining what his smaller mercenary force would be he said, "you support them with air power that shows up reliably, which is not the case now.
"You are saying our air power doesn't get called and reliably?"
"In the last week there were multiple Afghan units that were surrounded and he annihilated waiting for air power 43 and four days... Not getting medivac, not getting re-supplies not getting bombs dropped on the battlefield."
Prince again brought up the costs of the war did and not his fee if Trump did privatize the Afghanistan war and made him the lead operative.
Prince made a fortune under George Bush and now is looking for another rainy day payoff from Trump.
As much as I despise these misbegotten wars, turning anything over to Prince is ludicrous.
Since many conservative pundits and activists routinely go on Fox and Friends to pitch Trump their wares, which is really disgusting to begin with, Prince is just following in their footsteps with a helping hand from Brian Kilmeade.