Larry Kudlow Spins After Wall Street Journal Calls Trump Plan 'Worse Than NAFTA'
Here's Larry Kudlow shilling like a carnival barker on Fox Business, telling China to "Just Say Yes," while never mentioning the WSJ blasting their deal with Mexico.
Earlier today, Larry Kudlow was granted a soapbox on FBN's Varney & Co., to act like a carnival barker herding in its marks and spreading State Sponsored propaganda, uninterrupted about the U.S.- Mexico trade deal, (allegedly) Canada and everything else under the sun.
Kudlow became so drunk with talking points he used Nancy Reagan's horrendous and failed "Just Say No To Drugs" slogan to tell Varney and China to "just say yes" to Trump on trade.
It was that ridiculous.
Stuart Varney was content to let Kudlow filibuster throughout, playing up his former television persona, while giving no facts about the Mexico deal or what's being negotiated with Canada.
He proclaimed that Bob Lighthizer and Jared Kushner "snatched victory from the jaws of defeat several times" during their Mexico discussions.
About what, Larry? Who knows.
Varney and most every other stock market pundit on FBN and CNBC bashed the rise in the U.S. economy under President Obama as being a fake bear market which was going to collapse at any moment by high inflation if the federal reserve didn't raise rates for almost his entire two terms.
Now that a Republican is in office, it's like those lies never happened. They have been running segments on the "longest Bull market run" in US history which of course never mention Obama.
And Varney, who loves reading his WSJ editorial board opinion pieces didn't bother questioning Kudlow about any topic or on their take of the Mexico deal after they wrote this last night: "Half a Nafta"
We’ll reserve judgment until we see the fine print, but on first inspection this is half a NAFTA that contains some improvements but is notably worse in many ways. Whether it can pass Congress is far from certain.
We’re glad to see Mr. Trump step back from the suicide of Nafta withdrawal, but on the public evidence so far his new deal is worse.
Wow, the reaction of the WSJ's editorial board slammed the entire Mexico sham project as much "worse" than the original NAFTA deal.
You'd never know that from the Fox Business Network, Stuart Varney or Larry Kudlow.
They never explained that Congress has to pass any trade legislation which includes NAFTA or that Trump can't just sign an executive order and poof, it's done.