Todd Starnes Moronically Attacks Ocasio-Cortez As Distraction To OH's Special Election

Fox News Republicans are trying to set Ocasio-Cortez up as some big bad wolf coming to steal your money, while ignoring the actual (and scary for them) results of elections around the country.

With Danny O'Connor (D) coming in a very close second in Ohio's 12th, a heavily Republican district, Fox News' Todd Starnes out of the blue attacked Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez as a crybaby, because Danny didn't run as a Democratic Socialist.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez surprised everyone by beating her Democratic incumbent in her New York City congressional primary, Fox News has been trying to smear her in every way possible.

Ocasio-Cortez is repeatedly mentioned on most Fox News programs as an evildoer out to give the country everything for free. They are demagoguing her in a fashion I haven't seen since Nancy Pelosi became Speaker of the House.

After the night ended with no winner announced (Balderson held a slight lead in the OH special election) Byron York told host Shannon Bream that this wasn't very good news for Republicans since this seat had been held by them for decades.

Leslie Marshall said earlier if O'Connor lost by two points or less, it was a very ominous outcome for Republicans in November.

Religious right loon Todd Starnes praised Trump for winning the election for Balderson, praise be, under his eye and then for no other reason than to smear Ocasio said this outcome was really bad for Democrats.

Really, he did.

Starnes said, "Another issue here is the Democrats, they've got real trouble on their hands. I imagine Ms. Ocasio-Cortez is going to be crying into her pillow tonight because the Democrat, here O'Connor - look how he ran, he ran not as a progressive, one of those Socialists, you ran as a centrist. That's a big problem for the Democrats."

This is as lamebrained an opinion as was found last night.

The consensus by most honest political observers was that this outcome is terrible for the GOP. Republicans were forced to raise and spend millions of dollars from outside groups in a district that hasn't seen a Democrat elected for almost 40 years, and was gerrymandered in 2011 to remain solidly red.

Her political ideology will not win in every district in America and most people understand that, even Ms Cortez.

But Republican operatives always operate under the idea that you have to make Republican voters loath any Democratic politician so much so that they would vote for a pedophile over a person with a D after their name.

It's sickening, but that's been their goal since Rush Limbaugh took to the radio airwaves.

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