Tomi Lahren Speaks For Millennial Feminists On Fox And Friends Yay!

Why is it night time where Tomi is?

Tomi Lahren spoke to Fox and Friends from her dark place this morning (seriously, why is it dark night leather jacket time in Tomi land?) to lecture the Crotch Couch on what millennial feminism is all about! (Transcript via Media Matters)

The segment began with a question from noted feminist and always curious Brian Kilmeade:

BRIAN KILMEADE (CO-HOST): Let's talk about women -- millennial women. They have a definite feeling about who they are. And according to a recent poll, the most Democrat females over the next generation, 63 percent say they are feminist, a total of 46 percent overall when you factor in independents and Republicans. How do you explain that?

TOMI LAHREN (FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR): Well, this isn't surprising to me because I know many millennial women who though they believe in female empowerment and women's rights they don't consider themselves feminists anymore. Because truth is, modern-day feminists have hijacked the term and have changed it into something that the original feminists would be horrified by, they'd be rolling in their graves if they saw what feminists have done with the movement.

[Yo, Treadmill Lobotomy, name one dead feminist. I dare you.]

It's become less about equal treatment and equal rights and more about special treatment. It's become about man-bashing and demanding free things and marching in the streets getting attention with hats and being anti-Trump. It's not really about lifting up women, empowering women, because if they were to do that they would have to empower women who are conservative women and as we've seen especially in the last six months they've done everything but that. The feminists have not come out to support people like [White House Press Secretary] Sarah Huckabee Sanders, like [Secretary of Homeland Security] Kirstjen Nielsen, like the rest of the women in the Trump administration who have ascended to very high positions under this president. All they have done is demean these women. So that's why I think we're seeing a lot of millennial women say you know what? Feminism isn't for me anymore.

Most feminists were unavailable for comment about whether or not "supporting" Sarah Huckabee Sanders and Kirstjen Nielsen was their definition of feminism. They were busy electing Democrats to protect reproductive rights, focusing fire on migrant family separation and the willful dismantling of pre-existing condition protections, and hoping for the day that Mister Pussy-Grabber is kicked out of The White House once and for all.

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