Trump Warns Rallygoers Dems 'Want To Raid Medicare To Pay For Socialism'
The crowd went wild as Trump warned people they'd lose their Medicare to socialists and turn Indiana into Venezuela.
Despite our best efforts to ignore Trump's ridiculous rants at rallies, we must bring you this, because it ranks up there with the whole "hands off my Medicare, you socialists!" nonsense.
At his Evansville, Indiana rally Thursday night, Donald Trump warned rallygoers about those evil socialist Democrats who want to "raid Medicare to pay for socialism," proving he is a cynical old goat who really thinks people are that stupid, and further proving that yes, people ARE that stupid. Listen to the crowd when he says that stupid thing, and then listen to them when he says he's sure Indiana doesn't want to become Venezuela.
Just to keep things nice and clean and the record straight, we're all clear that Medicare is, in fact, socialism. Right?
And to be even clearer, let's understand that the only politicians who want to raid Medicare are Republicans, who desperately want to force Grandma to die on the living room sofa in order to do a second round of tax cuts for the billionaires.
Someone needs to tell those poor folks in Indiana they're being played for fools, don't you think?