Meghan McCain Melts Down Insisting CNN Is Mouthpiece For Democrats

Sorry Meghan. All of our corporate media has problems, but there's no one out there acting like a propaganda arm for the Democratic party right now, the way Fox does for Republicans.

Sorry, Meghan. All of our corporate media has problems, but there's no one out there acting like a propaganda arm for the Democratic party right now the way Fox does for Republicans.

Discussing Trump's recent attacks on the press and his spox Sarah Huckabee-Sanders' refusal to denounce Trump's assertion that the press is the "enemy of the people," co-host and former Fox host Meghan McCain was very upset with never-Trumper Ana Navarro. Alternet covered Friday's "The View":

McCain defended the Trump administration against alleged liberal media bias by saying it's "real and really exists" before whining that Republicans don't receive "fair and balanced" coverage like "Democrats do."

Guest co-host Michael Avenatti corrected her by highlighting that Republicans have an entire TV network in Fox News.

"So do Democrats: CNN," McCain shot back.

"That is not true," co-host Joy Behar replied before Navarro jumped into the conversation.

"CNN tries to be very balanced," she said. "CNN has commentators on like me, and every time I'm on I've got somebody that is defending Trump."

Then she went in on McCain's hypocrisy.

"MSNBC, where you worked once," Navarro began before McCain cut her off to say it was a "very, very long time ago."

"But it's part of your history," Navarro replied.

"Don't come for me!" an angry McCain nearly shouted before regaining her composure and trying to smooth it over by making a ridiculous suggestion that they shouldn't argue because it's the season finale.

The problem with CNN is that they allow liars to come on their network and spew right-wing propaganda just like Fox does. They just don't make a habit of having one so-called "liberal" on there up against three or four Republicans on almost every one of their political panels. They still do an awful job of promoting lies and falsehoods, and featuring people day after day to lie some more.

People like Jack Kingston, Rick Santorum, Steve Cortes (and a host of others they've hired since Trump took office) add absolutely nothing to the dialogue on these shows and are there for one thing -- to muddy the waters, just as Meghan McCain does on this show.

"Not being as awful as Fox" is a pretty low bar to cross these days.

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