Chuck Grassley Aide 'Unfazed' And 'Determined To Confirm' Kavanaugh

Mike Davis, Chief Counsel to Nominations, has already made up his mind about Kavanaugh. He's probably not the only one.

Republicans in Congress would have us believe the process for confirming Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court has been fair and impartial. They have stated from nine ways to Sunday they are presenting Christine Blasey Ford, who claims Kavanaugh attempted to rape her in high school, with completely fair, sane, and viable options to be heard, and that they are treating her and her claims with respect.

They are saying all of this with straight faces and serious tones. They are saying this with anger, even. Self-righteousness outrage at something so trivial as rape allegations causing something so egregious as DELAY in this hallowed, sacred process. This process they so revere. (*cough*Merrick fcking Garland*cough*)

Well, here is how fair things are. Chuck Grassley's staffer, Mike Davis, tweeted that he personally questioned Kavanaugh, and is "Unfazed" and "determined to confirm" him.

Does that sound fair to you?

Davis deleted the tweet and locked down his account for privacy, he says, "to avoid any further misinterpretation by left wing media as so often happens on Twitter." I don't know, Mike, it's pretty hard to misinterpret your being unfazed by sexual assault allegations, and saying you're determined to confirm him. That means no matter what you hear in the future, your mind is made up. Does that sound fair and impartial to you?

Let's talk more about "fair." Dr. Ford is inundated with vile harassment and death threats as a result of her having her identity revealed by reporters, has had to move her family out of their home to ensure their safety, and has a majority all-white, all-male Republican delegation who wanted her to testify immediately if not sooner, while she sits at the same table as the man she says tried to rape her in high school.

Kavanaugh gets to prance unbothered into the White House daily for hours of legal prep regarding the upcoming potential appearance in front of the committee. He has the media - even the liberal media! - asking questions like, "isn't this a he-said/she-said situation?" "Why haven't others come forward?" His wife gets praise for handing out cupcakes to reporters outside their home while Dr. Ford is in hiding.

Yeah, Dr. Ford has some nerve fighting for the FBI to reopen their investigation of Kavanaugh.

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