Coast Guard Member Makes Sure He Is On Camera Before Flashing White Power Sign

Following the alt-right handbook, unidentified CG member seeks fame as neo-nazi.


1. Always make sure the camera is on you before you let the world know you're a white supremacist. Zina Bash did it, and this as-yet-unnamed Coast Guard member did it.

2. Oh, and make sure you're in a position of power over marginalized and in-danger populations when you do it, too. This dude was supposed to be helping the response to people who needed information and/or help as they navigated their way through a hurricane. Remember, the ones most adversely affected are the ones who don't have the physical or financial resources to get out.

3. Finally, make sure you're ensconced in an organization that only takes the matter seriously enough to remove you from the camera, and the "response" effort, but not the militarized organization itself. This way, you can still participate in the military and continue to exert deadly control over the marginalized populations you've overtly signaled that you consider inferior to you, and for whom you've demonstrated contempt.

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