Fox And Friends: 'It's Not Opinion - It's Fact' Intelligence Agencies Tried To Destroy Trump

With no actual proof, Trump's favorite morning cable show proclaimed the U.S. Intelligence services were out to get Trump from the beginning.

After Trump said he was going to declassify documents relating to FISA warrants and text messages, Fox and Friends reliably piled on, saying it's a "fact" that the FBI planted information from the Hillary campaign to destroy Trump.

Early this morning, the couch-panel of Steve Doocy, Ainsley Earhardt and Brian Kilmeade were particularly energized going over the same Trumpian state-sponsored talking points that the disgraced Chairman of the House Intel Committee Devin Nunes and many Freedom Caucus members had orchestrated with the Trump campaign.

Ainsley Earhardt made believe that everyone just "wants transparency" over the FISA warrants that allowed the feds to surveil Carter Page and others as Trump takes another step to impede an ongoing investigation that have already indicted and convicted scores of people including Gen. Michael Flynn and Paul Manafort.

Brian Kilmeade stated, "The question is were they getting back at president Trump. Did they not want him to win and were they maneuvering behind the scenes to make sure he didn't and then when he did made sure the president-elect faze was tumultuous and made sure his first months led to some special investigation."

That was a mouth full.

And what were they getting back at Trump for?

He continued, "The more you see of these text messages the more you say to myself, 'my goodness we're watching this script play out. It's not opinion. it's fact."

Kilmeade was on a roll hoping to get new text messages from James Comey and Andrew McCabe. and declassify interview with Bruce Ohr, another new bogey-man they've created to sow doubt in Trump's hardcore supporters.

The crotch couch panel always treats Devin Nunes as if he should be respected even though he was kicked off his own committee for colluding with the Trump campaign to smear the Russia investigations and helped destroy its credibility.

They then played a moronic video of Nunes.

Steve Doocy said, "What Republicans say by declassifying these documents, the president of the United States will allow people in this country to see that senior FBI and department of justice officials acted unethically toward the Trump campaign and in the early days of the Trump administration."

Much of Fox News is still calling the Steele Dossier a phony, paid for by Hillary, who also worked with the Russians to smear Trump, which it is not, of course.

Doocy wove a convoluted conspiracy theory perfectly for Donald Trump calling it a "big, stinking mess."

Kilmeade followed up, Steve, that isn't your opinion, that's a fact!"

Then Brian issued a dire warning to the American people, as if he cared at all about them, without any real proof mind you.

Kilmeade said, "The FBI can be used against us. (Only against Hillary.) Now it's Trump. Who's next? (Not a rock album) If it's not stopped?"

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