Fox Guest Likens Kavanaugh Protesters To Antifa

This is what passes for humor on Fox "news."

This is what passes for humor on Fox "news." Laura Ingraham, and her guest, Raymond Arroyo, during her "Friday Follies" segment attack the women who confronted Jeff Flake in the elevator this week, asking if the whole incident was "staged" or not, and compare them and the others protesting the Kavanaugh nomination to Antifa.

Transcript via Fox:

INGRAHAM: First off, leftist activists storming and swarming Capitol Hill last week, launching a harassment campaign against public officials. They took it from the restaurant right into the U.S. Senate. So will the announcement of the Kavanaugh FBI probe embolden them? To tell us all about it we're joined by New York Times bestselling author of the forthcoming "Will Wilder, The Amulet of Power," can I make any more comments about you? Fox News contributor Raymond Arroyo.

RAYMOND ARROYO, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: It's called an introduction.

INGRAHAM: It's not about your whole resume. Your Friday Folly.

ARROYO: OK, let's talk about these protests that have been swarming Capitol Hill. We've seen in restaurants, in movie theaters. This week Capitol Hill offices were filled with protesters. Poor Lindsey Graham, he was outrunning the mob. This looked like something out of one of those Frankenstein movies where the villagers. They're yelling and screaming at him with signs, poking him. This was the scene all over the Capitol.

INGRAHAM: Paid protestors.

ARROYO: But this built to the moment today when Jeff Flake, who was always on the fence about whether he was going to vote Kavanaugh out of committee, was cornered in an elevator today. You showed it earlier. We're going to let people hear it. This is that moment that Flake claims caused his change of heart. Watch.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You are allowing someone who is unwilling to take responsibility for his own actions to sit on the highest court of the country and to have the role of repairing the harm that has been done in this country to many people.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I was sexually assaulted and nobody believed me. I didn't tell anyone, and you're telling all women that they don't matter. You're telling all of these women. That's what you're telling me right now. Look at me when I'm talking to you.


ARROYO: The insistence, the anger, the harassment of public officials, I worry about this. Do you think this is staged? It might have been staged to justify the change of heart.

INGRAHAM: Look at me! Look at me! I'm sorry. First of all, who is his staff?

ARROYO: Where is the capitol police?

INGRAHAM: Where is the capitol police? And why is this allowed to happen. If you did that to one of these women, they would be screaming harassment. They don't like it. And first of all, if you're someone who was sexual assaulted, that's a horrible, terrible thing, but that does not therefore mean that every person who is accused of sexual harassment is guilty. The logic class doesn't seem to have been attended by these people.

ARROYO: I worry that by giving into this horde you are going to unleash another Antifa like swarm, and this will continue. What are we teaching kids? Throw a temper tantrum, you get what you want. It's a bad message.

INGRAHAM: Use the f-bomb and follow people.

This is what it looks like when your job is defending the indefensible.

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