Fox News' Ed Henry: Trump's Attacks On Christine Blasey Ford Could 'Blow Up'

Trump has been "behaving himself" on the Kavanaugh charges until now. But really, did you expect him to be able to sustain that?

The jack of all trades for Fox News, Ed Henry was on America's Newsroom earlier and said Donald Trump's new attacks on Dr. Christine Ford were a big mistake and his intervening "might blow this up.”

Since the sexual assault allegation hit the wires, Trump has been very quiet about it, especially on Twitter, his favorite tool for bashing people, but as you might have predicted he just couldn't control himself.

When asked about his latest tirade by Sandra Smith, Henry was very candid, saying the atmosphere behind it has shifted, again...

Henry said, "...because If you had asked me an hour ago, I would have said that I think Judge Kavanaugh is in a strong position, but the last hour, the president is tweeting, questioning Dr. Ford’s account, 'why didn’t she go to the police?'"

He remarked that the WH made a big deal about the president staying off Twitter and not attacking the woman here and praising Kavanaugh.

Henry continued, "I think It just seems to me and I don’t want to overreact, but it seems to be a big mistake to take a situation that has been calming down, there's negotiations over testimony and I think the Republicans have had the upper hand this week, because it started with this shocker on Sunday in the Washington Post.”

“He’s sailing to confirmation, maybe not, there’s a problem here, she needs to be heard, the Republicans said let’s hear from her,”

“I think the president intervening might blow this up.”

The WSJ's Shelby Holliday said Trump ignored all the real information about the situation, "it's confrontational, it's messy, it's not really based in any facts or it's based on facts we already know are to not be true,"

She ended by saying, "she doesn't want to be attacked."

But the only single action Trump is consistent with is attacking anyone not doing what he wants.

He can only "behave" for so long. Sad!

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