Fox News Climate Denier: News Outlets Using Science Are 'Practicing Medieval Witchcraft'

Con men like Marc Morano are the people living in the dark ages and promoting oil companies over the lives of everyday Americans.

To Attack Sen. Elizabeth Warren's newly proposed legislation that would make public companies disclose risks to their business posed by climate change, Fox & Friends brought out a non-scientist climate denier to claim Warren will sue companies for causing "bad weather."

And then he called scientific research witchcraft from the Middle Ages to defend his global warming denier friends.

The entire scientific community constantly calls Climate Change a real and present danger, but well-funded carnival barkers like Marc Morano thrive in conservative circles.

He's a man with no background in science, who doxxes the scientific community and is proud of it and was one of the first to promote the Swift-boating of John Kerry.

But to Fox and Friends that makes him an expert!

After discussing Warren's legislation, co-host Steve Doocy became very perturbed that the Washington Post editorial board blasted Trump for dismantling climate change regulations and being complicit by rolling back rules that create more greenhouse gases.

Morano replied, "We have CNN and The Washington Post now literally practicing medieval witchcraft. In the Middle Ages they used to say, "That witch caused this bad weather, she caused the crop failure. We wouldn't have had this had those witches not been there," and they had trials on this."

He continued, "And now they're blaming the president of the United States. Donald Trump does not get credit for our economic growth but the media is perfectly willing to blame him for a hurricane. How does that work? It makes no sense whatsoever."

Doocy replied, "So, are you telling me he can't control the weather?"

Morano actually had the balls to say, " This is a sad day for science."

Dismantling the Paris accord was a petty move by Trump to spite the former President and many members of his own cabinet.

If you're not part of the solution, then you're part of the problem and denying the science behind climate change makes a person an enabler.

And hosting a con artist to promote false information makes this particular propaganda network complicit.

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