Judge Napolitano: Trump's Tweets Against Jeff Sessions Are 'Fodder For Mueller's Cannon'
To the dismay of Fox and Friends, Judge Napolitano clearly condemned Trump telling Jeff Sessions to use the DOJ a a political arm of Republicans.
Judge Napolitano told dejected "Fox and Friends" hosts moping on the curvy couch that Donald Trump's latest tweet blaming Jeff Sessions for mucking up the midterm elections by prosecuting two Republicans is more fuel for Robert Mueller's special counsel.
After Brian Kilmeade read Donald Trump's latest anti-Jeff Sessions tweet on-air, co-host Steve Doocy intimated it sounded like criminal behavior.
Doocy asked, "What was the president trying to say with those tweets because it sounds like one thing, I just want to know if you think the same thing I do?"
Judge Napolitano told Fox and Friends that the President does have some influence over the Justice Department but because of his actions against the Attorney General they aren't communicating.
Napolitano continued, "There is evidence of serious crime here and there can't be two standards, one for Republican members of Congress and one for others."
He continued, "Two Republican congressmen are charged with serious crimes "It is the duty of the Justice Department to prosecute crimes when they find them and to bring indictments when a grand jury has decided there is enough evidence there."
The Fox News senior legal analyst outlined the strong cases against both Rep. Collins and Hunter that Trump was whining about in his Tweet.
Co-host Ainsley tried to intimate that the government was intercepting Rep. Collins's phone calls illegally.
"Was that a government phone?" she asked. Napolitano said he didn't know but the congressman wasn't charged with using government property.
"The Justice Department would have been most unwise had it waited until after the midterm elections to pop these indictments," Napolitano said.
Brian Kilmeade wanted to know if the DOJ had these indictments in June or May to further smear the FBI. "That's what the president is saying," he insisted.
Of course he's not saying that it all but Kilmeade like many Trump surrogates on Fox News can rewrite Trump's thoughts and tweets to perfection.
“But when the president says these things, he gives the — basically, ‘I want to you use Justice Department to help the Republican Party’ — that is fodder for the cannon of Bob Mueller,and the never Trumpers who wish the president ill."
It's using his own words out of his own mouth to help put him in a box of the use of government for political purposes."
Doocy replied, "If Republicans lose the House then he's blaming Jeff Sessions."
This was the most subdued group on the Fox and Friends couch I've seen in a long time. They didn't interrupt and ask questions or interject thoughts because even they had trouble defending Trump's attacks on the rule of law and his use of the DOJ as his private police force to help Republicans.