Kanye West Turns Into MAGA Snowflake At The End Of Saturday Night Live

Kanye West embarrasses himself on SNL.

How embarrassing to see Kanye West (who declared this week that his new name is "Ye") claim--if he's to be believed--he was being bullied backstage by staff of SNL because they didn't want him to wear his MAGA hat.

That's not being bullied, you coward. They didn't want you to alienate their audience by wearing the symbol of a man who champions dictators, sexual assaulters, white supremacists and jailing children. How exactly is asking you not to wear a hat bullying you?

I didn't realize rappers were such snowflakes. Well, in his case, I guess it's true.

And not only that, West cheapens all those children and teenagers who have been actually bullied and had their lives horribly disrupted and ruined

And then of course there was the typical wingnut bogus reaction of being silenced for their views.

After the show ended and NBC cut to commerical, Kaye decided it was time to go into a pro-Trump, anti-Democratic party rant that was not only ignorant, but embarrassing.

Here's what his producer Mike Dean tweeted this out

“You see they laughing at me. You heard em the scream at me. They bully me. They bullied me backstage. They said, ‘don’t go out there with that hat on.’ They bullied me backstage. They bullied me!”

These idiots still have no concept of the First Amendment or what freedom of speech means. Anyway, I posted a clip of how the show ended above and you can see that the show was over.

West continued in his off-air rant:

The blacks want always Democrats… you know it’s like the plan they did, to take the fathers out the home and put them on welfare… does anybody know about that? That’s a Democratic plan,” he said.

The audience fell silent at first and then started to boo him.

Continuing his own confused notions of history and still facing a social media backlash from his bizarre SNL performance (which included performing while dressed as a Perrier bottle), Kanye tweeted this morning that supporting Trump means abolishing the 13th Amendment. You know, the one that outlawed slavery.

That drew applause from his buddy, Donald.

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