Kavanaugh Furiously Lobbies Senators, Denies He Was At Party In Question

Orrin Hatch makes a cameo appearance in today's drama, too.

I'm sure no one could have predicted that Brett Kavanaugh would come up with the ever so creative defense that he was not at that party, no way, no how, never was, never him.


Didn't his pal Mr. Judge the Blackout Drunk guy say he was at the party and didn't do the things she said he did? So we can either believe the Blackout Drunk guy or we can believe that this nominee remembers quite specifically that he was not in attendance at a party where he is accused of sexually assaulting a 15-year old girl. Sure.

Meanwhile he's been up at the White House all day calling Senators to try his story out on them, and at least for one, it's working. Senator Orrin Hatch agrees that the Wicked Western Witch is lying, or at the very least, "confused."

Now go read this thread about his high school senior yearbook bio:

Please tell me more about what a damned choir boy he was.

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