Marie Harf To Fox News' Panel On Kavanaugh: 'Why Are You Screaming?'

Fox News' Marie Harf wouldn't allow herself to get bullied by some of the panel members, including Jason Chaffetz, over the abuse allegation against Judge Kavanaugh.

As Fox News' Marie Harf was telling the Outnumbered Crotch Couch panel not to take an allegation of sexual assault lightly, that it should be heard, she finally had ask Lisa Boothe, "why are you screaming?"

Harf said it may be difficult to know the absolute truth between Kavanaugh and Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, she said there's a process that should be followed.

She said that after Anita Hill testified, Clarence Thomas was still confirmed.

"So, there's a process and it's a serious allegation and it deserves to be listened to, " Harf said.

Harris Faulkner said the statute of limitations had expired for any sexual assault claim to be criminally filed. That's not the point, Harris.

Jason Chaffetz was on promoting his nutty new Deep State book and for some reason when I see him I want to throw him a walnut.

That will be in my Deep Thoughts book coming out sometime in the future.

Anyway, even though Sen. Feinstein said she didn't bring up the allegation because Dr. Ford wanted to remain anonymous, Chaffetz said, "If [Democrats] were sincere about doing this they would have turned over the information when they received it -- "

Then the argument turned to Kirsten Gillibrand and Democrats' sincerity regarding sexual assault allegations.

Maybe the panel could have addressed the entirety of the Trump administration's long-standing treatment of women, and how women voters have had it with the endorsement and coddling of abusers. Far easier for Fox shows to litigate how the information came out.

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