Newt Gingrich: Woodward's Book 'A Big Lie', Compares Trump To FDR

Newt Gingrich went a bit nutty last night on Fox News when Martha MacCallum asked him to comment on Bob Woodward's new explosive book on Donald Trump.

Fox News' response to Bob Woodward's explosive Trump book called "Fear: Trump in the White House," is to interview pro-Trump authors like Newt Gingrich to call Woodward a liar.

Gingrich, whose former mistress-now-wife is Trump's Ambassador to the Vatican, has written two pro-Trump books since Donald was elected: Understanding Trump and Trump's America: The Truth about Our Nation's Great Comeback which are, of course, pro-Trump propaganda books churned out in less than two years.

Fox News' Martha MacCallum asked Newt to comment on Woodward's new book and he went into a Kellyanne Conway laundry list of what they consider to be Trump's great "accomplishments."

Trump's cabinet members have refuted initial reports about the book. Gingrich, without reading the book, said Bob just wanted to please his left-wing friends.

Gingrich continued, "Gathered up every piece of trash he could - poured it all into a book, loaded it up on a word processor with great speed and now because he's Bob Woodward, we are supposed to genuflect."

Gingrich is baffled why people don't see Trump as an FDR figure.

"Franklin Delano Roosevelt probably the greatest, most effective president in the 20th century routinely lied to everybody. He routinely set up of his own cabinet to fight each other," he said.

"He also created the New Deal and helped win the Second World War so you have to ask yourself, is Trump different?"

"[Woodward's] last great book is just a big lie, that's a sad commentary."

I didn't know Bob Woodward was on his deathbed.

Newt is unhinged.

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