'Completely Inappropriate And Wrong': Susan Collins Blasts Trump's Tweet
Sen. Collins blasted Trump for attacking the possible victim of sexual assault during the Judge Kavanaugh hearing.
Sen. Collins was asked how she felt after Donald Trump attacked Brett Kavanaugh's accuser through Twitter and she told the press she was 'appalled."
This week has been a merry-go-round of adventure in the confirmation hearing of Judge Kavanaugh after Christine Blasey Ford's allegation of sexual assault was publicized.
Trump had remained silent about Dr. Ford's claims, but couldn't contain himself and tweeted:
I have no doubt that, if the attack on Dr. Ford was as bad as she says, charges would have been immediately filed with local Law Enforcement Authorities by either her or her loving parents. I ask that she bring those filings forward so that we can learn date, time, and place!
When asked by the press about Trump's latest remarks, Collins said, “I was appalled by the president’s tweet."
She continued, “First of all, we know that allegations of sexual assault, I’m not saying that’s what happened in this case, but we know allegations of sexual assault are one of the most unreported crimes that exist. So I thought that the president’s tweet was completely inappropriate and wrong.”
The Press Herald also reports that Sen. Collins doesn't mind waiting to Wednesday or Thursday to hear from Christine Ford.
With so many allegations of sexual assault hanging over Trump's head at this time, you might have thought he'd remain mum about the whole 'reporting the crime' thing.
And now real pressure is on Sen. Collins to take these interviews very seriously since Trump attacked the accuser.
Will she cave or will she stand firm on principle?