Ammar Campa Najjar Rolls Over Duncan Hunter, Backs Up And Does It Again
Duncan Hunter's Democratic opponent spared nothing during his interview with Chris Hayes about Hunter's despicable campaign ads.
Unlikely Democrat Ammar Campa Najjar is running for Congress in Duncan Hunter's district, a district that skews 10 points toward Republicans. yet polls have them tied. Apparently even Republican voters in that district aren't excited about having a guy who inherited his daddy's seat, and who uses campaign funds to keep his girlfriends quiet and his rabbit on a plane represent them in Congress.
That left Hunter and the Republicans with one choice: Nasty, racist, Islamophobic ads. In the one shown by Chris Hayes, Hunter accuses Campa Najjar of being an "Islamic terrorist sympathizer."
He is, in fact, a Christian born in San Diego with Secret Service security clearance, something Hunter couldn't qualify for. Also? That ad is getting exactly the reaction it deserves, and Campa Najjar isn't shy about pulling out the stops and running over Hunter with a bus.
This is ALL worth watching, but here are some teaser quotes to get you going.
On the ad itself: "It's deeply un-American. It's not true. I'm not a security threat. I was given a clearance by the FBI. The security threat is Duncan Hunter who was criminally indicted for spending a quarter million dollars and the corruption smoking gun that you talked about was when he paid back $60,000. He is guilty, and it's only a matter of time until people hold him accountable."
On Hunter as security risk, after Hayes pointed out he couldn't pass a background check:
"That's right. for a couple reasons: One, the indictment. Two, financial instability. He had to overdraft his account by $35,000. Three, his well-known documented excessive drinking. And then fourth, the womanizing. All those things are things that are red flags. If I had any of that in my background I would not have gotten a security clearance. That's why the Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan, Republican, stripped him of his committee assignment on the Armed Services committee. It's not me, not Hillary, it's the Republicans."
OUCH. Bus, meet Duncan Hunter. Oops, you ran over him, bus? Well, back up and let's see what you do next.
On Hunter's legislative record, which he is not running on: "He has ten years of a record to run on. What is he doing? He's acting like an amateur."
See Bus back up and run Hunter down. Run, bus, run.
On policy: We have policy contrast. I want to expand Medicare, he wants to raise the retirement age to 72 years old. His big, bold idea for people retiring, live longer, work seven more years then I'll give you your earned benefit, not the entitlement, but the earned benefit."
You do see the bus backing up again, right? Here it comes...
On Hunter, the Congressman: "A guy who never worked a day in his life after serving our country has not worked a day in his life in Congress. He's out drinking and partying. We need somebody who will put country over party, not their wife under a bus, I'm ready to do that."
That bus just backed up and floored it over Hunter again, leaving him flat like ancient roadkill.
There's more. Much more. He throws out "individuals 15 through 18" in Hunter's indictment, widely understood to be girlfriends he partied with in Washington, D.C.. He accuses Hunter of being "obsessed" with him, devoid of any morals or ethics, and more.
It is delicious on so many levels. Watch it just for the pure joy of seeing a Democrat take the keys to the bus Republicans are driving, climb into the drivers' seat, and run over them. Duncan Hunter never saw it coming.
Watch. You'll thank me.
Disclosure: Blue America is proud to be supporting Ammar. You can donate to him here.