That CNN Trump Voter Panel? Now Has Second Thoughts

Independents who voted for Trump tell CNN they are switching to Democrats because he's a "dictator" surrounded by "crooks."

CNN ran another Trump voter panel, this one made up of "independents" that voted for Trump, who now profusely regret their decision.

CNN's New Day co-host Alisyn Camerota lead the panel discussion and five of them previously voted for Trump are now fleeing him as fast as they can.

Anthony Miles was up first and Camerota asked, "How are you feeling?"

Miles replied, "Afraid."

"Of, what?"

He continued, "The dictator in the White House. He has no empathy for anything.”

When asked why he voted for Trump in the first place, he admits to getting bamboozled.

Miles replied, "He said the system is rigged and he said he was going to be a new sheriff in town and all he's done is surrounded himself with crooks. How many people have been indicted that were in close cahoots with him?"

Sydney Cohan was up next and said, "The divisive rhetoric coming from the president is a daily exhausting thing."

Rahul Blokhra said he's not happy over Trump's Putin and Russia nonsense, "I am not so sure who is running the country right now --- not sure which direction we are going."

Republican Stephanie Martin said, “I'm more feeling embarrassed as a lifelong Republican and I consider myself part of the religious right, and now the values that I see coming from the White House just don’t mesh up with what I believe.”

When asked when she changed her mind she let out a deep breath and said, "Boy," signaling there is so much to object to under a Trump administration.

After Camerota asked why they feel this way since the economy is so strong, Dale Munholland, a Republican since he was eighteen, admitted that most of these gains are happening because of President Obama.

Nancy Celentano said, "What really broke my heart is when I saw those children being torn away from their parents."

The panel admitted Trump's character issues have turned them completely off.

Cohan said, “I’m a victim of rape and to hear this woman sit in front and under oath, swear and tell her story about what happened to her, only to have grown men laugh at her, mock her. I just don’t know where the bottom is anymore.”

Munholland called Republicans spineless and cowardly for not willing to stand up to Trump.

Watch the entire segment, they have much more to say.

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