Jeff Flake Has Doubts About Kavanaugh Now That It's Too Late

Jeff Flake joined his friends at The View to explain why he's such a...flake.

Oh, what a profile in courage Jeff Flake is. Watch him let his principles fly away at the first puff of wind.

Senator Flake the Flake paid a visit to The View, where he explained that he felt more or less the same way he felt when he gave his "I have doubts and I'll always have doubts but I'll swim with my pack" speech on the Senate floor just ahead of Kavanaugh's confirmation.

Flake explained that he simply could not deny Kavanaugh his appointment based upon the allegations of three separate women testifying to three different events, all of which had the common thread of alcohol and extreme drunkenness at their core. He just couldn't do it!

" I wish I had the certitude that some of my colleagues expressed," Flake sighed. "But I said on the floor before that hearing, we’re likely to hear the hearing with as much doubt as certainty. And that’s how I felt afterwards.”

Oh, well. I mean, maybe don't execute killers when you have doubts, don't jail people whom you have doubts about, don't marry that person you have doubts about. But for the love of all that's holy, could you maybe not bestow a lifetime appointment upon someone you doubt? Upon someone who will be called to make legal rulings about women, about women's issues, about women in our culture, about women's rights? Could you not, Senator Flake the flaky?

And then these ladies get to the truth of the matter, when Sunny Hostin asks Flake straight up whether he believed Dr. Blasey Ford.

Bluntly, he told the panel he didn't know, and then admitted he didn't know if he believed Kavanaugh either.

But he went ahead and put the robe on Kavanaugh anyway. Because in the end, he rolls with his pack. Forget about Senator Banality's bid for the White House. It's dead before it ever starts. Somewhere along the pathway to the Senate, Jeff Flake lost his capacity to hold onto even a shred of a principle, preferring the Milquetoast for breakfast instead.

(h/t The Daily Beast)

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