Maddow Lays Into Trump For Barging Into Pittsburgh: 'A Thing That Cannot Stand!'

Will her prediction that Trump's trip will be cancelled hold, or will he barge into Pittsburgh in spite of the public safety concerns officials have.

It isn't often that we get to see Rachel Maddow seriously angry about a thing, but her discussion of Trump's decision to barge into Pittsburgh for a presidential visit when the mayor has specifically asked him to postpone his visit for at least a week for public safety reasons caused her to flash her temper.

"Aww, that's cute, your massacre victims need burying? No. President Trump needs to do want what he wants to do. That's more important," she said sarcastically.

"The city is literally saying as a matter of public safety which you would think would be paramount at this time, they cannot devote enough resources to protect both the funerals of the massacre victims and also bring the president into the city where he would like to show up despite all the requests from that city to the contrary."

Unsaid: Why do you think he wants to show up tomorrow? (Hint: It's exactly one week to the midterm elections and he once proclaimed himself the president of Pittsburgh, so assume Brad Parscale has found a few bitter-enders who might vote with him there.)

There was more. Rachel was just warming up.

"So like I said, we're watching this sort of small element of this story tonight because it just seems like one of -- this just seems like a thing that cannot stand, right?"

"The president continuing to hold his political rally and tweeting about baseball within hours of the worst attack in the history of the United States on Jewish Americans -- maybe that was stuff he just decided to do on his own."

"But the president now deliberately interfering with the funerals of the murder victims? Presumably that has to be a whole of White House effort, right? He can't plan that himself. And so presumably somebody in the White House will be too nauseous to go through with that, right? Right?"

Wrong. Never mind the public safety issues, never mind that he isn't wanted, never mind that he hasn't got one ounce of empathy in his body and reads speeches about tragedies like they're a first grade reading primer.

Never mind all that, because it's one week to the midterms and that's all that matters to Donald Trump.

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