Mike Huckabee Lies: That Caravan 'Wants To Break Into Our Homes'

I was waiting for Mike Huckabee to claim the Honduran caravan wanted to eat our babies as well.

Mike Huckabee ranted on Fox News' America's Newsroom that the U.S. was being invaded by angry foreigners who will break into our homes!!1 9/11!!! And that Democrats are really excited they will all be illegally registering to vote as Democrats.

Mike Huckabee despicably transmitted every immigration fear onto Fox News viewers in two minutes, hoping to ignite an outpouring of angry white supremacist voters during the midterm elections.

Co-host Sandra Smith brought on Sarah Huckabee Sander's father, also a Fox News contributor, to discuss the latest conservative boogeyman.

Huckabee did admit there were a few desperate people, women and children, in that [zombie] horde of people who are coming this way.

He said, "What we are seeing here are people who are demanding that they're going to come in and nothing is gonna stop them. That's not an immigration, that's an invasion."

And they are armed with poverty, desperation and wanting a better life for themselves. Make sure we've got the Green Berets lined up with mortars, hand grenades and M-16's to thwart those evil doers.

Smith asked, "The last we heard it's grown to numbers greater than 7,000. And if this does happen, the president is vowing to send as many troops as necessary to stop this caravan from entering the country, what does that look like?"

Huckabee replied, "Well, it's gonna look ugly, quite frankly. But I'll tell you what also looks ugly is the fact that what we have is again an invasion. And you just can't stand there and say well, if there's that many of you, then we're gonna go ahead and just look the other way. Because then you've really created a wide open door. And it'll never stop."

Yes, anybody from any country can just walk in unimpeded into our country, throw Americans out of their homes, steal our women and children, take your jobs and vote Democrats.

I thought Trump's administration was supposed to handle immigration. Is Huckabee saying Trump can't handle the job?

Then Mike transmitted the bogus meme that these migrants will immediately turn around and be illegally voting against Trump.

He continued, "I don't understand, I mean what it looks like in some ways, Sandra, you might say, it's a registration line for Democrat voters, because the Democrats have been silent about this. Why? Do they not care about the borders of our country? Do they not care?"

See, if the Left doesn't join in to celebrate their white nationalistic xenophobia and hatred of the "others," then they must be for completely open borders.

"Do they not have any interest in sorting out who is really coming here under the guise of asylum and who are coming here just because they feel like that they can and nobody can stop them because they're too great in numbers. If we're not a strong enough country to stop an invasion of several thousand people who demand, who feel like they have a right to bust through the borders, to break into our homes, to just come in and say we're going to do whatever we want, then we're not a very strong country anymore," Huckabee said.

Run for your lives. Flee your homes while you still can because the Democrats won't fund Trump's moronic border wall!!!

It's a pathetic and desperate plea for votes from racists and just another day at Fox.

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