Mike's Blog Round Up

Daily links to great liberal blog posts...

Balloon Juice - a penetrating glimpse of the obvious;

Booman Tribune - higher expectations;

Feministing - why don't we believe women's warnings about Roe?

Lawyers, Guns & Money - Bruce Rauner, man of the people!

The Great Consolidation - remember 1933? That.

And, despite being a Jew who hasn't often darkened the doorway of a synagogue since his Bar Mitzvah, I will say that this morning's events hit especially close to home. And black people are being killed, and people I admire are in grave danger. And at this point, I don't just want them, the GOP and their enablers, convicted, jailed, and shamed - I want them destroyed. Strip them of every asset, drive them from polite society, and force them to pay for what they have done.

Steve in Manhattan (@blogenfreude) blogs at stinque.com and urges you to make sure you are registered to vote.

Please send tips and link suggestions to MBRU [at] crooksandliars.com.

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